Na trećem URBAN FUTURES TALK događanju ugostit ćemo Georgiu Butinu Watson s temom “Healthy Cities”. Predavanje će se održati online 24. studenog 2021. u 17.30h.
Georgia Butina Watson: HEALTHY CITIES
There has been much debate recently about planning and designing cities, towns and neighbourhoods that promote and support healthy living and healthy experiences of all age groups. This is particularly important to all of us as we live longer and want to age well, during all stages of our lives.
There is also much evidence that natural and built environment, social and other factors can promote and support physical and mental health and well-being. The way we design
cities, streets, open spaces and housing play an important role in living healthier lives. This topic will be discussed through an overview of the present state of debates and through a number of case studies drawn from Europe and the UK with a view to derive some useful transferable lessons for healthy placemaking. The presentation will include a general discussion on the presented topic.
GEORGIA BUTINA WATSON is Professor of Urban Design in the School of the Built Environment at Oxford Brookes University. She is also Academician and Regional Convenor of the Academy of Urbanism (Oxford region), and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. She was Head of Department of Planning and Urban Design at Oxford Brookes University and chaired various UK Research committees and jury panels including the National Urban Design Group Book Awards scheme. Georgia has extensive teaching, research and consultancy experience in urban planning and urban design. Her key research and consultancy projects include the work on sustainable, resilient and healthy cities; urban regeneration; community engagement and development; planning and design of new towns; placemaking and place-identity; and perceptual and cognitive experience of places with different age groups, including elderly residents and young people. She has published and co-authored a number of journal articles, research reports and books including: Designing Sustainable Cities in the Developing World; Identity by Design; Sustaining Cities; Urban Retrofitting for Sustainability and Designing Resilient Cities and Neighbourhoods.
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November 24, 2021 05:30 PM CET (Zagreb/Ljubljana)
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