Project associates Tihana Rubić and Valentina Gulin Zrnić took part in the Program and Organizing Committee for the Annual Conference of the Croatian Ethnological Society, held in an online format on 14th of October 2021. The main conference topic revolved around the concepts of uncertainty and insecurity, which strongly mark the present and the future of everyday life.
Ethnographies of Insecurity – Ethnological Insights into Cultural Responses to Crisis Circumstances
Consecutive to radical changes in social dynamics and lived experiences of everyday life induced by COVID-19 pandemic and earthquakes, insecurity is positioned as the core analytical concept of the Annual Conference (2021) of the Croatian Ethnological Society. Viewed from the perspective of ethnology and cultural anthropology, the topic includes perceptions and narratives which define insecurity at the individual and collective level, relationship towards policies of crisis management, ways in which different actors deal with insecurity, develop new life rythms and potential solutions for crises resolutions and imagine future. The goal of the meeting is to approach insecurity as crises induced, but it is also going to provide analysis of the wider historical context of its production, as well as non-crisis circumstances that lead to it.
The intention of the meeting is to cover diverse conceptualizations of insecurity in multiple contexts through which it is being generated as a cultural and social phenomenon (ecological, political, socioeconomic,…).