Nevena Škrbić Alempijević sudjelovala je na međunarodnom skupu “The Interaction of Ethnic and Confessional Cultures: Ethnological Research” koji je organizirao Odsjek za etnologiju i antropologiju Litavskog instituta za povijest u Vilniusu. Na tom skupu održanom u online formatu od 26. do 27. studenog 2021. godine izložila je pozvano plenarno predavanje pod naslovom “Europske prijestolnice kulture i novo normalno: studija slučaja Rijeka 2020”. U izlaganju je predstavila dosadašnje rezultate istraživanja provedenog u Rijeci u okviru projekta “Urbane budućnosti: zamišljanje i aktiviranje mogućnosti u nemirnim vremenima”, vezanog uz politike urbane regeneracije i njihove transformacije u pandemijskom kontekstu.
The European Capitals of Culture and the New Normal: the Case Study of Rijeka 2020.
The aim of this article is to discuss ways in which the pandemic context has affected a specific type of public event – performances related to the European Capital of Culture initiative. The author applies urban anthropology approaches to show how city spaces are recreated by the programme. She pays special attention to the strategies of regenerating cities and fostering cultural diversity, key concepts in the EU policies in the field of culture. She also shows how the visions of urban futures, outlined in the ECC bid-books, are being transformed due to the impact of COVID-19. Her focus is on the mechanisms for reimagining an ECC city under the conditions of the New Normal. In order to outline those processes, the author presents the results of her ethnographic research related to Rijeka, a Croatian harbour city and a 2020 European Capital of Culture.