Publication of an ARTICLE “Exploring the City on Foot”

Publication of an ARTICLE “Exploring the City on Foot”

An article titled ‘Exploring the City on Foot’ by authors Valentina Gulin Zrnić and Mirna Tkalčić Simetić has been published In the journal Narodna umjetnost 61/1, 2024.


This paper deals with walking as an ethnographic technique, a way of knowing and being in the world, and as an entry point into understanding the rhythms and ways of moving through transit public spaces (streets and sidewalks). In our long-term cultural anthropological research of Zagreb, we rely, among other methods, on a walking ethnography of the city. In this paper, we present several of its constituents: co-walking interviews, solitary walks, and co-researcher co-walking conversations. The focus on walking expands the domain of the epistemological position, fundamentally grounded in the possibilities of the walking thinking body to know through (multi)perception with co-creation. The discussion relies on insights gained from walking through the center of Zagreb in the post-earthquake period, where encounters with the transformed materiality of the city and the necessary adjustments in movement and rhythm of walking are intertwined with changes in experiencing the city, the possibilities of imagining its future and the transformation of political subjectivity.

PDF in Croatian

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