
The book on Zagreb squares

The book on Zagreb squares

The book “Grad kao susret: etnografije zagrebačkih trgova” (A City as an Encounter: The Ethnography of Zagreb Squares) (Zagreb 2019) by Valentina Gulin Zrnić and Nevena Škrbić Alempijević has been published online (open access) in January 2021. Based on long-term study (participant observations, walking ethnography, sensory ethnography, interviews, newspapers and archival material) the authors introduce the prism of the politics of space, performance and affect in order to analyse changes, restructuring and resemantization of Zagreb public spaces in the central part of the city within the last ten years.

The book is written in Croatian with an extended English summary.

Project is funded by Slovenian Research Agency

Project is funded by Slovenian Research Agency
Project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation

Project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation
Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research

Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research
Faculty of Humanities University of Primorska

Faculty of Humanities University of Primorska
Institute of Contemporary History

Institute of Contemporary History
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
ZRC SAZU, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology

ZRC SAZU, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology