

NEW PROJECT: The Transformation of the Postindustrial City: Space, Community, and Work (PostCity)

NEW PROJECT: The Transformation of the Postindustrial City: Space, Community, and Work (PostCity)

Project leader: Nevena Škrbić Alempijević Researchers: Iva Grubiša, Petra Kelemen, Tihana Petrović Leš, Sanja Potkonjak, Laura Šakaja and Kristina Vugdelija The PostCity project responds to burning issues that mark the...
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A three-day workshop (17-19 January, 2024) was held at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb, as part of the Croatian-Slovenian project Urban Futures: Imagining and Activating Possibilities...
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Publication of an ARTICLE “The Art of Green Maintenance. Future-Making in Urban Gardening”

Publication of an ARTICLE “The Art of Green Maintenance. Future-Making in Urban Gardening”

Anna Horolets, Alexandra Schwell and Saša Poljak Istenič published an article titled “The Art of Green Maintenance. Future-Making in Urban Gardening” in the scholarly journal Etnološka tribina 56/43, 2023. The article...
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Publication of an ARTICLE “Issues and Challenges of Overtourism in the City of Hvar”

Publication of an ARTICLE “Issues and Challenges of Overtourism in the City of Hvar”

Jasna Čapo published an article titled “Issues and Challenges of Overtourism in the City of Hvar” in the scholarly journal Etnološka tribina 56/43, 2023. The article is a part of...
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Publication of an ARTICLE “Un-Silencing Traumatic Memories along the Slovenian-Italian Border. The Case of Psychotherapeutic and Anthropological Workshops”

Publication of an ARTICLE “Un-Silencing Traumatic Memories along the Slovenian-Italian Border. The Case of Psychotherapeutic and Anthropological Workshops”

Katja Hrobat Virloget published an article titled  “Un-Silencing Traumatic Memories along the Slovenian-Italian Border. The Case of Psychotherapeutic and Anthropological Workshops” in the scholarly journal Etnološka tribina 56/43, 2023. The...
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Publication of the ARTICLE “Transformations, Decline, and (Imagined) Futures of Gojlo and Kutina”

Publication of the ARTICLE “Transformations, Decline, and (Imagined) Futures of Gojlo and Kutina”

Tihana Rubić published an article titled “Transformations, Decline, and (Imagined) Futures of Gojlo and Kutina” in the scholarly journal Etnološka tribina 56/43, 2023. The article is a part of a thematic session on urban...
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Publication of the ARTICLE “’Maribor is the Future’. Participation Practices and the Right to the City” 

Publication of the ARTICLE “’Maribor is the Future’. Participation Practices and the Right to the City” 

Nina Vodopivec published an article titled “’Maribor is the Future’. Participation Practices and the Right to the City“ in the scholarly journal Etnološka tribina 56/43, 2023. The article is a part of...
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Publication of the ARTICLE “Future-Making in the European Capitals of Culture. Rijeka and Nova Gorica Compared”

Publication of the ARTICLE “Future-Making in the European Capitals of Culture. Rijeka and Nova Gorica Compared”

Jaro Veselinovič and Nevena Škrbić Alempijević published an article titled “Future-Making in the European Capitals of Culture. Rijeka and Nova Gorica Compared” in the scholarly journal Etnološka tribina 56/43, 2023....
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Publication of a REVIEW of the book “Post-Disaster Recovery. Socio-Anthropological Perspectives on Repairing Environments”

Publication of a REVIEW of the book “Post-Disaster Recovery. Socio-Anthropological Perspectives on Repairing Environments”

Mirna Tkalčić Simetić published a review of the book “Post-Disaster Recovery. Socio-Anthropological Perspectives on Repair in the journal Narodna umjetnost 60/2, 2023 (ed. Laura Centemeri, Sezin Topçu i J. Peter Burgess, Routledge,...
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Exhibition and lecture on Hvar

Exhibition and lecture on Hvar

Jasna Čapo and Valentina Gulin Zrnić were invited to participate in activities during the week of events for the City of Hvar Day (October 2nd). An exhibition titled “Look into...
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Defense of the SYNOPSIS of the dissertation “Cities after earthquakes: Zagreb and Petrinja from the perspective of the anthropology of the future.”

Defense of the SYNOPSIS of the dissertation “Cities after earthquakes: Zagreb and Petrinja from the perspective of the anthropology of the future.”

Mirna Tkalčić Simetić defended her doctoral thesis theme titled “Cities after Earthquakes: Zagreb and Petrinja from the Perspective of the Anthropology of the Future” before the examination committee consisting of:...
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Project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation

Project is funded by Croatian Science Foundation
Project is funded by Slovenian Research Agency

Project is funded by Slovenian Research Agency
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Institute of Contemporary History

Institute of Contemporary History
ZRC SAZU, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology

ZRC SAZU, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology
Faculty of Humanities University of Primorska

Faculty of Humanities University of Primorska
Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research

Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research